New, and Scared...

on 10/24/09 11:49 am - Nashville, TN
My surgery is Nov. 2nd and am some excited but getting more and more scared of complications.

How soon will they give me the stuff to relax once I get to the hospital? I'm afraid I'll high-tail it out of there, am getting nauseous thinking about it.

on 10/24/09 12:01 pm, edited 10/24/09 12:17 pm - Nashville, TN
And could someone please tell me how to resize a picture for my avatar?

Thanks. :)

Nevermind figured it out!

on 10/24/09 12:36 pm - Madison, TN
I sent Scott an S.O.S. email that someone needed help with their avatar!  But then, saw you got it fixed.  Sorry Scott! 


Missy C.
on 10/24/09 12:30 pm - Hendersonville, TN
 ooo Nov 2nd!  that is close.  I am so excited for you.  Something that should set your mind at ease is that you have a FABULOUS surgeon - but  of course I may be a bit biased.    lol.  

It is absolutely normal to be scared.  I was petrified but I was also so thrilled to start my new life.  The team at Vandy is very cautious.  If they thing ANYTHING might be wrong, they won't do the surgery or they will postpone it until they are certain things are just right.  Just focus on the life that you are heading towards and not the surgery.  It will be over before you know it!

Hubby and I are the group leaders for the Vandy post-op support group!  We hope to see you afterwards.  It's a great place to get you through some of the tougher parts.  Also, keep coming back here.  

You on facebook?  So am I.  Search for Missy French Coffman
HW/ 338  Starting Weight w/clinic /324  Surgery/307  Current/175 Goal/168

on 10/24/09 12:36 pm - Nashville, TN
Thanks so much Missy!

I am very excited, just very nervous about the possible complications that could happen.

I'll give it my very best effort to attend the post-op group this coming up month.

Glad to know I'm in good hands at Vandy. :)
on 10/24/09 7:13 pm, edited 10/24/09 7:13 pm - Nashville, TN
I love your name "Writemindedlefty" !

Scared uh?  That is very normal, in fact it is something that happens all the time with me!  I am very much afraid of the unknown.  If you put me in a situation that I don't know anything about, then I am petrified...until I get my sea legs!

I'm sure you've done tons and tons of homework on your surgery, we all did!  I'm sure you have read every book, every website, everything that you could have.  That's normal as well!

The best thing is this, you are not alone!    Dr. Williams is one of the finest and brightest Docs around.  You are in very caring and knowledgeable hands at Vandy.  The 2 that run the after-care support group, are people that I call friends.  I would trust my life to Kenny and Missy if needed, and if you need a good laugh or pick me up, they are the ones who can provide it!  This board here, The Tennessee Forum, has saved my tuckus more times than I can count!

Now for my advice...


That's the best I can do when it comes to my words of wisdom.  Buckle in, take a breath, and enjoy your new life!  I have, and I'm 22 months out from surgery!

I look forward to hearing of your progress!
Missy C.
on 10/25/09 1:15 am - Hendersonville, TN
 *hugs*  thanks Scott.  If your life was in our hands, we would try really hard not to giggle as we pushed you over the cliff.. er uhm.  as we applied the best first aid after we pushed you.. er. uhm.  well,  We'd try really hard. 

You on facebook?  So am I.  Search for Missy French Coffman
HW/ 338  Starting Weight w/clinic /324  Surgery/307  Current/175 Goal/168

on 10/24/09 10:23 pm - Monterey, TN
How exciting for you, Nov 2 is just around the corner!!!   And YES it is very normal to have all the mixed feelings!!!

You have gotten some great advice and while I've not been to the Vandy support group (it is just because I live so far away, I hear it is WONDERFUL!  so you will have lots of support there!)

As far as wanting to run out of Vandy when you get there, the nurses that meet and greet you and get you started were AMAZING!!!!    They kept me laughing and joking and sane!!!  Right until the wheeled me away and then the nurses in recovery were wonderful too!!!  (Can't tell you much of the inbetween because of the "magic juice" they give you in the IV.)

Have a wonderful week, know you are in GREAT hands, and all will be fine!!!


                               Adopted by Centennial 1/27/2010    
"Everyday do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
on 10/25/09 2:30 am - Nashville, TN
Thanks so much to everyone. I feel a bit better now.

Still want to know how long it takes to get the 'happy juice' lol.

I know I have to be in there at 8 am and surgery won't start until 10.

I'll just have to keep myself busy for the next 9 days!

Thanks again!
on 10/25/09 2:31 am, edited 10/25/09 2:49 am - Nashville, TN
nevermind got sig to work too! :D
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